Life and Leadership Coaching




Live Lectures, Tools and Frameworks, and Case Studies by Industry Leading Coaches.

  • Understand how coaches help improve lives, relationships, and business performances. Explore what it takes to become a coach and get started on your journey.

  • Starts on

    January 2022

  • Duration

    4 months

  • Programme Fees

    INR 35,500/-

Programme Overview

The course shall be delivered through e-lectures as well as other modes as specified below. There will be one e-lectures of 90 minutes each a week, except when there are seminars/group work.

Self-experience group work shall be carried out online under supervision. The duration and frequency of these sessions will be decided by mutual consultation. If conditions so permit, some sessions may be held in a face-to-face mode in college or at LIILR premises.

Online student seminars may be arranged as required.

Special e-lectures/webinars delivered by eminent speakers on external platforms may be treated as part of the course, if appropriate.


Who is this programme for?


College Graduates.

  • Entry-level young professionals.

  • Mid-level professionals looking to advance careers by developing their leadership skills.

  • Senior leaders aspiring to develop leadership competency skills & unlock their full potential.

  • Women professionals struggling with work-life balance.

Learning Modules


Demystifying Coaching

What is coaching, what is not coaching, how is it different from therapy, counseling, consulting, mentoring.


A Coach’s Mindset

Who is a coach? Can anyone coach? Qualities of a great Coach

fundamentals of Coaching

Key Principles and historical background to evolution of coaching, significant coaching philosophies and approaches.


Types of Coaching & Outcomes

Different types of coaching. Where is coaching used? Most popular application areas, and future trends.

Global standards of Coaching

Globally acceptable standards of coaching today according to leading coaching bodies such as the ICF and EMCC


Core Coaching Competencies

Core Coaching Competencies accepted globally in professional coaching